
"Thanks so much Sam! And thanks for kicking off my career for me many years ago!🙂"

Former SHA employee Amanda (Mansell) Spillman

Manager, Travelers Insurance Company, Las Vegas Nevada

I want to thank you [Insurer] and Sam Hooper for sending Mitchell Arnold to view the damage related to my above-referenced claim.

I’ve been a homeowner for over 45 years, and from time-to-time have had to deal with insurance appraisers.

Mitchell proved to be the most knowledgeable, pleasant, efficient person I’ve ever dealt with.

Thank you again – and to all, stay safe.

Los Angeles Area Homeowner

August 23, 2021

Thank you for working with us on this. We appreciate your firm and the work of Derek and Sheily.

Nita Welch, CLMP

LA Metro
Director, General Liability Claims
Risk, Safety & Asset Management

I want to express my greatest appreciation for all of the assistance your team provided every single day. I have not been here for ten years but for the time I have been here, your team has been invaluable!

Seth Veatch

Sr Claims Examiner
Carl Warren & Company

Sam, It was great to see you. Your team is doing a great job with the SAPs (Serious Accident Program Presentations)

Richard P. Chastang Principal Deputy County Counsel

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Division

"Thanks for representing Topa in such an excellent manner. We appreciate it very much. A compliment well deserved"

Regina Tatum, Claims Specialist

Topa Insurance Company

"Sam Hooper and Associates is my go to choice for field investigation and inspections on all my Southern California and Southern Nevada Claims. Always timely, prompt, thorough, and economical.

David Rumore, JD ARM
AVP-Regional Claims Manager

Construction Defect
AmeriTrust Group, Inc."

Thank you Sam Hooper & Associates for doing an excellent job on our State of California claim assignments. The work you do is well documented with great detail and the customer service you provide is outstanding.

Christopher Verdin, Risk Manager
State of California

Office of Risk & Insurance Management

Hi Sam, happy Friday! Hope all's well. Our Office of Risk and Insurance Management would like to exercise the option year as stated on [your] contract...
to extend the contract by 1 additional year"

Best regards,
Ada Kwong, Acquisition Analyst
Contract Services Section

Office of Business and Acquisition Services [State of California]

"Hi Sam, Thank you again to you and Sheily for the presentation today. You provided great information for our public entity members!"

Thank you,
Carrie Willson
Staff Risk Manager State of California
Insurance Services Unit

Office of Risk and Insurance Management